Naar aanleiding van de arrestaties van 14 anarchisten in Chili verscheen er op de website een communiqué hierover. Hieronder de vertaling in het Engels.

With the kidnapping of 14 comrades we continue to be in war.

Some hours have passed since the state and its repressive apparatus build yet another spectacle, this time presented as a big assault in benefit of the civil security. This is why 14 of our comrades now find theirselves in the claws of power, why 14 of our brothers and sisters remain completely isolated in the prisons. It’s difficult for us to write because of the powerlessness and the profound loneliness that we feel in our chests, the irony that invades us again by making us realise that the story keeps on repeating itself, that past experiences keep on passing us by. A new group of our comrades are the objects of a badly done set-up, that tries to push the public opinion in a different direction, away from the unhideable social uprisings that are created in this disgusting society. Once again our comrades are used and arrested for being enemies of this system and all that comes with it.

Since that cold night of the 22nd of may 2009, in which the anarchist Mauricio Morales died, a hunt was started involving a collection of harassings against those, us included, who declare themselves enemies of capital and who take a clear position is this war, who accept the possible consequences that this brings in our lives. It is necessary to remember the things we observed before, considering the unjustifiable actions of power, that now translate in the imprisonment of our comrades. All the arrests, like the abuses and the set-ups, have happened one after another, supported by the work of the bourgeous media that has entrusted herself with presenting a crude structured organisation, with leaders and a complete hierarchical way of organising. Now our brothers and sisters are being made into objects of one of many set-ups that seperate them from us physicly. Now our comrades are behind the bars of these centers of extermination.

The prisons won’t manage to destroy our strong ideas and desires of freedom, now more than ever, when our comrades rise up with their heads held high, now more than ever we are not afraid, we declare that we won’t stop, in these kind of moments we have to be clear about our position; a lot of times we held long conversations with more than one close comrade in which we wondered when they would come for us, how to fight the prisons. And a word, that is used by many, but thought about or acted out by few, always appeared; Solidarity. Solidarity shouldn’t be an empty slogan, that decorates whatever discours is generated in the moment, solidarity should be action, with every action, with every shout, with every act of propaganda we should embrace our comrades. They are not alone nor will they ever be alone, they are kidnapped by our enemy, and our task is to rescue them from the dungeons of power. We unite with the comrades that are kidnapped by the power, our brothers and sisters with their ideas, and feelings.

For the destruction of the prison society, down with the set-ups of Alejandro Pena

Freedom for the 14 anarchist and anti-authoritarian brothers and sisters

No more repression of the autonomous and squatted spaces

Freedom to the comrades that are on hunger strike

Repressive forces out of Wallmapu

For the liberation of our mother earth and our comrades,

neither prison or death will stop us. War to society.